The campaign committee of Republican Party candidate John Neely Kennedy, John Kennedy for US, received $75 from Rod Harris on April 29, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
The campaign committee of Republican Party candidate Stephen Joseph Scalise, Scalise for Congress, received $35 from Diane Hernandez on April 29, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
The campaign committee of Republican Party candidate Stephen Joseph Scalise, Scalise for Congress, received $15 from Michael Flosnik on April 29, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
The campaign committee of Republican Party candidate John Neely Kennedy, John Kennedy for US, received $25 from Richard Schlepp on April 29, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
The campaign committee of Republican Party candidate Stephen Joseph Scalise, Scalise for Congress, received $35 from Laszlo Adam on April 29, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
The campaign committee of Republican Party candidate Stephen Joseph Scalise, Scalise for Congress, received $35 from Lorelei Boyett on April 29, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
The campaign committee of Republican Party candidate John Neely Kennedy, John Kennedy for US, received $105 from Chandi Heffner on April 29, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
The campaign committee of Republican Party candidate Stephen Joseph Scalise, Scalise for Congress, received $10 from Sharon Pappan on April 29, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
The campaign committee of Republican Party candidate Stephen Joseph Scalise, Scalise for Congress, received $50 from Minnie Sossamon on April 29, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
The campaign committee of Republican Party candidate John Neely Kennedy, John Kennedy for US, received $25 from William Mahlburg on April 29, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
The campaign committee of Republican Party candidate John Neely Kennedy, John Kennedy for US, received $15 from Gurramkonda Naidu on April 29, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
The campaign committee of Republican Party candidate John Neely Kennedy, John Kennedy for US, received $25 from Mary Frazier on April 29, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
The campaign committee of Republican Party candidate Stephen Joseph Scalise, Scalise for Congress, received $35 from Anna Nowack on April 29, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
The campaign committee of Republican Party candidate Stephen Joseph Scalise, Scalise for Congress, received $10 from Alfred R. Blossman Jr. on April 29, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
The campaign committee of Republican Party candidate Stephen Joseph Scalise, Scalise for Congress, received $100 from Stephanie Dombrowski on April 29, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
The campaign committee of Republican Party candidate Stephen Joseph Scalise, Scalise for Congress, received $25 from Robert Howell on April 29, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
The campaign committee of Republican Party candidate John Neely Kennedy, John Kennedy for US, received $25 from Robert Hill on April 29, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
The campaign committee of Republican Party candidate Stephen Joseph Scalise, Scalise for Congress, received $35 from Oleander Csisko on April 29, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
The campaign committee of Republican Party candidate John Neely Kennedy, John Kennedy for US, received $55 from Lynda Cupples on April 29, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).
The campaign committee of Republican Party candidate Stephen Joseph Scalise, Scalise for Congress, received $25 from Artur Hahnemann on April 29, according to the Federal Election Commission (FEC).